Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Charles Schwab ETFs: SCHH, SCHC, SCHE etc

SCHG (large cap) is up over 20%, but had a tiny drop of .3% today, 15@market
SCHP (TIPs) is starting to collapse like every other bond fund, 20 Limit@53.50
SCHE (emerging) is down 3%, 10@market

Update February 24, 2013
1) Many of the articles I read say that it is the time to be solidly into large cap stocks. Maybe so, let's start the research using low cost Charles Schwab ETFs:
CAP            5     30     90
S   SCHA    -       3       1
L   SCHV    1      1       3
L   SCHG    -       5       5
L   SCHX    -       4       4
M  SCHM   -       2       2
Too early for me to tell, but looks like trying to buy SCHV on dips for the next few weeks is not a bad idea. Here is the 30 day chart. They are pretty much rising and falling together, the SCHG  (yellow) could be a mild value play if it suddenly starting climbing.

2) Open Limit Orders
SCHA   10@37.50
SCHF    10@26.20
SCHV   10@32.15
"       "   10@34.00
VBA     15@72.00

Update February 5, 2013, market had a terrible day today, SCHF, SCHC, SCHG were hit the hardest on a percentage basis. SCHG (US Growth) seems to be doing the best overall, so added 20 shares @market. SCHG closed at 35.74 February 4, 2013.
Update December 21, 2012 SCHE ( emerging markets) was the most down for the day, closed at 26.28, put in a market order for 20 shares.


I am using Charles Schwab online brokerage to manage a large part of my investment which is based on index ETFs. I will log in from time to time and try to discern which ETF is the most down today and it was SCHH (Charles Schwab REIT ) so I added 20 shares as a market buy. The strategy for this basket is to use Charles Schwab allowing no trade fee for their line of ETFs. This allows me to add to my positions in small amounts on dips and using limit orders.

I am VERY pleased to report that at this precise moment in time, all of the ETFs are in the green. So dollar averaging, by buying on dips to add to the position will help me improve the odds I can keep some of these in the green. Of course the market is going to drop at some point, but if we are careful we can add to the position with that as well.

SCHE and SCHC are both slightly down, I am going to set limit orders for these:

  • SCHE 25@24.60
  • SCHH 25@26.00
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